NUST - 2023 Agriculture Career Exploration -  Registration Form
Explore Taiwan agricultural industry with professional guide and make friends with other international students.

Target: Students and faculty from NUST
Date: 2023.06.28(Wed.)-06.30(Fri.)
Topic: Group Alcohol brewing and testing
   Group Beef and Dairy
Fee: Free with NTD 1,000 deposit
Registration Deadline: 2023.05.26(Fri.)
>>SIGN UP Right Now<<

*To complete the registration, must pay deposit NTD1000.

More in formation for Agriculture Career Exploration Event, please check our website (EN/TW)
Contact Person: Ms. Chang (Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它)
上班時間:週一~週五,8:30am~12:00pm, 1:30~5:00pm
地址:第一校區行政大樓5樓, 632雲林縣虎尾鎮文化路64號
