日期: 2023年11月9日 (星期四)
時間: 8:15-17:00
地點: 台中 (集合地點: 中興/台中高鐵站)
內容: 巨大機械-自行車文化探索館、台中市眷村文物館 (詳細內容請見附件)


※Only after remitting your deposit can your application be secured! 

 Date: 9, November (Thur)
Time: 8:15-17:00
Place: Taichung
Activities: Cycling Culture Museum x Taichung Military Kindred Village Museum.
Target: Foreign students form NUST
Fee: Free with NTD500 deposit
Registration Deadline: 2 Nov.(Thur)

For more information: https://oia.nchu.edu.tw/index.php/1-2-news-en/1-2-news-en/3725-%E3%80%90nust-%E2%88%9E-project%E3%80%912023-company-visit-x-taiwan-cultural-tour
A deposit of NT$500 is required.
◇ Remittance Information
(1) Account Name: 國立中興大學校務基金401專戶
(2) Bank Codes: 007-4016 (If you use ATM, type only 007)
(3) Account Number: 415224 + The last 8 digits of your cell phone number.
Suppose your cell phone number is 0912345678, then take 12345678.
(4) Example: 41522412345678

1. Please remit the deposit within 2 days. If not, your application will be canceled.
2. Once the organizer receives your deposit, a confirmation letter will be sent to you via email.
3. Only those who participate in the whole tour will be refunded.
4. If one would like to cancel, one has to inform the organizer before Sunday, May 14th. Otherwise cannot be refunded.
5. [Attention!!] When refunding, due to school accounting regulations, we will need your ARC No. and bank account.
【Tour Information】
◆ Time: 2023/11/09 (Thur.) 8:15 - 17:00
◆ Venue: Taichung 
◆ Transportation: Bus

【Gathering point】
1) NCHU -> NCHU Administration Hall, 1F. 
2)THSR -> Taichung High Speed Rail station Exit 6.
3)We will email a pre-departure notice on Nonember 6 (Mon). Remember to check your email.
Contact Info
Email: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
Telephone: +8864-2284-0206*43 Miss Liu
上班時間:週一~週五,8:30am~12:00pm, 1:30~5:00pm
email: oia@nfu.edu.tw
地址:第一校區行政大樓5樓, 632雲林縣虎尾鎮文化路64號
